Weekend Reading 3.6.22

Late weekend hellos friends. It’s exciting that spring is just beginning isn’t it? After two long years in a pandemic, spring seems especially welcome this year. I spy budding blossoms on the trees here in Northern California and it’s always lifts my spirits.

I’m taking another trip to Florida in two weeks, looking at colleges for my daughter but also…. real estate for my family. We’re seriously considering making the jump and starting a new chapter in the Sunshine State. We’ve been lifelong Californians but for a number of reasons a change seems like it would be good for us, and I’m just itching to remodel a house in a contemporary coastal style. It’s exciting to think about, and I’ll share more in a future post. :)

Have you seen the movie Dear Evan Hansen? Wow. I haven’t been that moved by a film in a long time. I watched in on the flight home from Mexico and I was grateful to be wearing a mask on the plane because I cried in several parts. It’s a brave look at depression, loneliness, and anxiety, something so many people struggle with. I loved the movie and the soundtrack too.

I’m very excited to share my latest kitchen renovation with you. I’m waiting on the dining room light fixture to arrive, that’s it. As soon as it is installed I’ll get busy taking pictures! I’m super proud of this one. Look for that reveal in the coming weeks.

Favorite links from the past week:

Like me, I’ll bet you’re a fan of biophilic design.

Talented Shonda Rhimes’ apartment is filled with stimulating color and pattern.

Helpful advice if you’re designing a kitchen island.

This impressive DIY bathroom vanity build.

Make your own espadrilles! Kits here.

Marvel fans will love these new rugs.

Two colorful wallpaper collabs: this grasscloth and these lovely patterns.

A heartfelt post about establishing boundaries with Instagram.

I enjoy lunch like this once or twice a month: tips on how to dine alone.

How to cultivate unconditional self worth.

Yes to this –> the contented life goal.