Five Cartoonists To Follow On Instagram

Cartoons often visualize beliefs that people think, yet rarely say. Nothing is off-limits, from the daily tribulations of a pandemic to pointed observations of the political climate. As our society progresses to a world that’s more visual than verbal, these cartoons have never been as prevalent. 

Cartoons can be polarizing, take jabs at outdated belief systems, or challenge our perception. Yet if there’s one thing about these cartoons that remains constant, it’s that the artists behind them are both visually and verbally brilliant. 

To honor this enduring artform, I’ve compiled a list of five cartoonists to follow on Instagram. Their feeds are likely to inspire profound thoughts, shifts in perspective, and cathartic chuckles.

Julia “Jules” Burton Suits | @julesburtonsuits

Julia Suits is a cartoonist and illustrator with a knack for dark humor. Her work has been featured in The New Yorker, Narrative Magazine, and The San Francisco Chronicle, to name a few. Not only is Suits a skilled cartoonist; she is also the voice behind @TweetsofOld, a long-running Twitter account that showcases quips from old newspapers. Her sense of humor could be described as painfully dry, and the cartoons on her feed might inspire you to examine your own intrusive thoughts. 

Jason Adam Katzenstein | @j.a.k._

The cartoons on Jason Adam Katzenstein’s Instagram are so relatable, they might make you wonder if you’ve ever had an original thought at all. His work has appeared in The New Yorker, The New York Times, and MAD Magazine, and he’s currently a visiting professor at Wesleyan University. Katzenstein’s impressive resume also includes the 2020 release Everything is an Emergency, a graphic novel with captivating illustrations of his OCD-filled life. 

Jeremy Nguyen | @jeremywins

Jeremy Nguyen is a talented, Brooklyn-based cartoonist with over 1,000 comics on his Instagram feed. In addition to sharing his craft online, he teaches others the art of cartooning through classes and speaking engagements at colleges across the country. Nguyen’s clients include The New Yorker, Wired, The Nib, and Airmail Weekly. You might have also seen his illustrations in ad campaigns for HBO’s The White Lotus and An American Pickle.

Colin Tom | @yea_colin

After double-majoring in painting and magazine journalism, Colin Tom was inspired to merge his two studies when he saw a Sixty Minutes segment about New Yorker cartoons. Tom is now a veteran of its iconic backpage, and his feed is full of classic illustrations with hilarious captions. He also has a highlight on his feed titled “Toe Show” that captures his characteristically silly embrace of creativity. While Tom is originally from Singapore, he currently lives in Brooklyn.

Kim Warp | @kimwarp

While many of Kim Warp’s cartoons focus on pop culture and politics, she also has a flair for describing intimate family dynamics. Her comics cover a wide range of relatable scenarios, from helicopter parenting to dealing with elders. If Warp’s cartoons aren’t enough to gauge the breadth of her wit, I encourage you to check out the FAQ section of her website. She joined the National Cartoonist Society in 1999, and has since been featured in publications such as Cosmopolitan, Reader’s Digest, The New Yorker, and Good Housekeeping.