Surviving the End of the World

Surviving the End of the World

The end of the world is the stuff of fiction. In the post–World War II ’50s and ’60s, the film and TV industry was obsessed with apocalyptic scenarios, and I was more than an avid connoisseur. We are now living through a chillingly surreal reality that would be better on the screen than in the street. I nonetheless still yearn to watch the following:


The World of the Flesh and the Devil (1959)
In the melodramatically titled The World of the Flesh and the Devil, mine inspector Ralph Burton (Harry Belafonte) becomes trapped in a caved-in mine in Pennsylvania. After a few harrowing days he digs his way out and finds a deserted world—nada, all the bodies are gone but everything else remains. While Burton was confined underground a cataclysmic nightmarish event took place, which discarded newspaper headlines explain as “UN Retaliates for Use of Atomic Poison,” and “Millions Flee From Cities! End of the World.” Some rogue nation had used radioactive sodium isotopes as a weapon, producing a lethal dust cloud that spread around the world, wiping out humanity.



In search of other survivors, Burton travels to New York City, only to it empty. Rather than accept this fate, Burton goes to work restoring power to a building where he commandeers an apartment. As his extended loneliness is becoming intolerable, he encounters a second survivor, the sexy blonde Sarah Crandall (Inger Stevens). The two become friends, but Burton grows distant when it becomes clear that Sarah is developing stronger feelings for him. Being black, Burton is a prisoner of the taboos of the no-longer-existent racist American society.



Eventually, a third survivor, Benson Thacker (Mel Ferrer) arrives by boat, and has amorous sights on Crandall, and sees Burton as a rival. Burton has conflicting emotions and gives Thacker every opportunity to win her affections, but cannot quite bring himself to leave the city. And who could blame him. The empty city is as eerily beautiful as Stevens, best known for her starring roll on the TV series “The Farmers Daughter.”


“The Twilight Zone: Time Enough At Last” (1959)
The perfectly named Henry Bemis (Burgess Meredith), the henpecked, farsighted bank teller and avid bookworm, reads while serving customers. He is so engrossed in one novel he regales an increasingly annoyed customer with information about its characters, and shortchanges her. Bemis’ angry boss, and later his wife, complain to him that he wastes far too much time reading. All he really wants is to be left alone with his books, so he spends his lunch break in the bank’s vault, where he cannot be disturbed.



While there Bemis notices a screaming newspaper headline that says “H-Bomb Capable of Total Destruction,” and a second later a huge explosion violently shakes the vault, knocking Bemis unconscious. Coming to, he puts on his thick eyeglasses and emerges from the vault to find the bank demolished and everyone in it dead. Leaving the bank, he sees that the entire city has been destroyed.



Bemis is the sole survivor. Upset by his predicament, he finds enough canned food to last him a lifetime and succumbs to despair. As he prepares to commit suicide using a revolver he has found, Bemis sees the ruins of the public library, where he finds that the books are still intact and legible; all the books he could ever hope for are his for the reading, and (as he gazes upon a huge fallen face of a clock) he realizes that he has all the time in the world to read them without interruption. Owing to a twist of fate, during his euphoria his glasses break. Typical “Twilight Zone” irony. 


The Day the Earth Caught Fire (1961)
Peter Stenning (Edward Judd) had been a journalist with the London Daily Express, but since a divorce threw his life into disarray, he has been drinking too much and his work has suffered. His editor has begun giving him lousy assignments.



The Soviet Union and the United States accidentally detonate simultaneous nuclear bomb tests, and strange meteorological events begin to affect the globe. Stenning is sent to the British Met Office to obtain temperature data, and while there he discovers that the weapons tests have had a massive impact on Earth. It becomes clear that Earth’s temperature has been altered by 11 degrees, damaging the climate zones and changing the pole and the equator. The increasing heat has caused water to evaporate and mists to cover Britain. Later, it is also revealed that the orbit of the Earth has been disrupted and it is spiraling toward the Sun.



The government imposes a state of emergency and starts rationing water and supplies. People start evacuating cities. Scientists conclude that the only way to bring Earth back into a safe orbit is to detonate a series of nuclear bombs in Western Siberia. The bombs are detonated, and 30 seconds later the shockwave causes tremors. The film ends without resolution. (Incidentally, this was the first time I ever saw the Nuclear Disarmament—or “ND”—sign.)


The post Surviving the End of the World appeared first on Print Magazine. The end of the world is the stuff of fiction. In the post–World War II ’50s and ’60s, the film and TV industry was obsessed with apocalyptic scenarios, and I was more than an avid connoisseur. We are now living through a chillingly surreal reality that would be better on the screen than in the street. The end of the world is the stuff of fiction. In the post–World War II ’50s and