Photo Of The Day By Rebecca Wilks

Photo Of The Day By Rebecca Wilks
Today’s Photo Of The Day is “Encircled” by Rebecca Wilks.

Photo By Rebecca Wilks

Today’s Photo Of The Day is “Encircled” by Rebecca Wilks. Location: Bandon, Oregon.

“Bandon has been photographed an awful lot,” explains Wilks. “At first, I was disappointed about the weather, but I rather like the unusual mood here. The 30-second exposure belies the high wind which was blowing as well.”

Photo of the Day is chosen from various OP galleries, including AssignmentsGalleries and the OP Contests. Assignments have weekly winners that are featured on the OP website homepage, FacebookTwitter and Instagram. To get your photos in the running, all you have to do is submit them.

The post Photo Of The Day By Rebecca Wilks appeared first on Outdoor Photographer. Photo By Rebecca Wilks Today’s Photo Of The Day is “Encircled” by Rebecca Wilks. Location: Bandon, Oregon. “Bandon has been photographed an awful lot,” explains Wilks. “At first, I was disappointed about the weather, but I rather like the unusual mood here. The 30-second exposure belies the high wind which was blowing as well. Photo By Rebecca Wilks Today’s Photo Of The Day is “Encircled” by Rebecca Wilks.