Niko Koronis Creates a Family of Furniture in Resin

Niko Koronis Creates a Family of Furniture in Resin

Designer Niko Koronis created a family of furniture inspired by the work of Carlo Scarpa, an Italian architect whose work was heavily influenced by Venetian culture, materials, and landscape. The trio of works, including a console, bench, and side table/stool, aren’t made from traditional furniture making materials like wood or metal – they’re made with resin, resulting in a glycerin soap-like appearance. Throughout the production process, the studio noticed how the material reacted to light where precise edges became almost transparent when light hit them. Tiny changes of just a few millimeters in thickness had the ability to dramatically change the overall color of the piece, while a small shift in the pigment quality significantly altered the piece’s opacity/transparency. While resin is a chemically produced material, Koronis’ team discovered that it reacts in a more organic nature.

GDB Bench

GDB Bench

GDB Bench

GDB Bench

GSD Console

GSD Console

GSD Console

GST Side Table or Stool

GST Side Table or Stool

GST Side Table or Stool

GST Side Table or Stool

GST Side Table or Stool

The G resin collection is a limited series but each piece can be customized upon request as far as size and color goes. If you’re in the US, STUDIOTWENTYSEVEN carries the line exclusively, and for everyone else visit for more info. Designer Niko Koronis created a family of furniture inspired by the work of Carlo Scarpa, an Italian architect whose work was heavily influenced by Venetian culture, materials, and landscape. Designer Niko Koronis created a family of furniture inspired by the work of Carlo