A Two-Story Gym in Beijing That Comes Complete with a Slide

A Two-Story Gym in Beijing That Comes Complete with a Slide

The one New Year’s resolution that seems to be at the top of most people’s lists is working out more. We’re approaching the middle of January and while there are some people that are still crushing that goal, there are others that have already called it quits. I bet if more gyms looked like this one, they’d still be crowded February 1st and beyond and not the ghost town many of them seem to be come June. RAMOPRIMO are the clever minds behind the MFIT SPACE gym – a space so enticing that even a couch potato would enjoy visiting.

The two-story gym supports clients using a one-on-one philosophy where trainers work directly with clients, even giving them the power to choose their unique training plan as they move throughout the various activity spots.

A rock climbing wall, spiral staircase, and slide (yes, slide) connect the two floors offering options of how you’d like to go from one to the other. So if you want to climb up the rock wall you can slide down as a fun reward for the hard work.

Other notable design elements are the blue lattice structures that visually separate the spaces while functioning as a support to hold ropes and hooks, and for other exercises.

The locker room stands out in a monochromatic red design with linear panels of lighting above.

The shower rooms were finished in black textured Bisazza mosaic tiles that break up the mostly black spaces.

Photos by Marcella Campa.

http://weboffers.atspace.co.uk The one New Year’s resolution that seems to be at the top of most people’s lists is working out more. We’re approaching the middle of January and while there are some people that are still crushing that goal, there are others that have already called it quits. The one New Year’s resolution that seems to be at the top of most people’s lists is